- - Coolenaam.nl vlaggen, drugs, humor, dolls, matrix, dj, messages, smilie avatars, films, love, voetbal, scooters, motoren, brommers, msn poppetjes, donald duck, games, kijkwijzer, luchtvaart, pokemon, looney tunes, sport, spongebob, artiesten, happy tree friends, lord of the rings, auto's, boys, lion king, finding nemo, natuur, winnie de pooh, numbers, the simpsons, naruto, funny bunny, final fantasy, south park, diversen, idols, x-mas, merken, girls, vuurwerk, DBZ, popstars, live emoticons, dieren
- - Liveavatars.nl 3D creations, anime, artiesten, cartoons, dieren, fantasy, feestdagen, grappig, liefde, mannen, merken, natuur, spelletjes, sport, status, signs, voertuigjes, vrouwen
- - Mess-icons.nl allerlei, celebrities, disney, finding nemo, happy tree friends, live emoticons, merken, sharktale, sport, voedsel, vrouwen, anime, counter strike, dragonball z, full metal alchemist, idols, msn buddies, mess base, shin chan, status avatars, vuurwerk, artiesten, EK 2004, fun, ik ben, msn emo avatars, mood, sinterklaas, televisie, websites, auto, dj, fantasy, games, ik heb, manga, naruto, space, the incredibles, yu-gi-oh, beyblade, films, kerst, mannen, natuur, special effects, top 40, effects, cartoons, dieren, final fantasy, garfield, kijkwijzer, matrix, spngebob, valentijn, liefde
- - Messfreak.be Anime, babes, dieren, film, girl power, halloween, kerstmis, mannen, muziek, new year, spongebob, status, auto's cartoon, EK 2004, games, grappig, hip hop, liefde, merken, natuur, overige, sport, WK 2006
- - Msgr.nl anime, cartoon, film, games, liefde, merken, messages, ogen, pc software, smilies, auto's, vrouwen
- - Msnskins.be auto, babes, berichten, cartoons, dieren, diversen, erotiek, sex, film en tv, matrix, 2 fast 2 furious, games, humor, liefde, manga, merken, motoren, msn buddies, muziek, spongebob, sport
- - Pimpmymsg.nl gunstars.nl, artists, cars, boys, animals, dolls, donald duck, drugs, movies, finding nemo, fun, games, babes, brands, messages, idols, x-mas, kijkwijzer, lion king, live emoticons, looney tunes, lord of the rings, love, air speed, matrix, msn buddies, nature, numbers, pokemon, winnie the pooh, scooters, the simpsons, smilie, south park, spongebob, sports, flags, fire works, other